miercuri, 24 iunie 2009

"you're an amazing dancer, and you're a great choreographer, but as a boyfriend... you kinda suck"

marți, 9 iunie 2009

ma yu-hu ma!

Si vreau sa fiu si eu in felul meu omul care aduce soarele

I'm back! A fost extraordinar! Din toate punctele de vedere, doar ca mi se pare ca sunt si mai bagata in ceata. Dar e in regula. A fost o experienta frumoasa, as repeta-o oricand. Mi-am facut o multime de prieteni noi si am invatat multe de la ei(ca poti sa mananci mamaliga cu paine, snitele de pui cu dulceata si ca e ciudat sa mananci pizza cu ketchup; ca avem o intonatie extrem de amuzanta si ciudata pentru ei; am invatat magic tricks cu paie; am invatat sa vorbim cat de cat fluent engleza). Ne-am apropiat si noi, colegii din Romania mai mult. Am cunoscut un prof foarte calumea cu care abia astept sa avem cursuri.
Impreuna am descoperit "mustarul studentului", s-au nascut expresii ca "paine prost", "fuck in dush/fac un dus", "David e painea mea", "I',m the leader and you shut the fuck up!". Am baut impreuna,am mancat impreuna, am dormit impreuna, am urcat dealuri si scari impreuna, ne-am jucat, am vizitat, am facut poze!! (mai ales). Am facut misto impreuna...l-am vazut pe Martin before and after tuns & barbierit. L-am admirat toate pe David 8->. Ne-am catarat (unii din noi) impreuna cu Simon pe stanci. Am facut misto impreuna cu Carina, am vanat insecte cu Ina. Ne-a placut prezentarea facuta de Shtefi si am jucat biliard cu Olivia. Si ne-a placut sa o ajutam pe Laura sa.. improve her leadership skills.
Speram cu totii ca semestrul viitor ne vom intalni din nou, dar de data asta in Nurnberg.

all I got to be is be happy

joi, 4 iunie 2009

here I go...

...again on my own, going down the only road i've ever known.

So this is it, it's gonna happen. Somehow I'll manage to keep my head up and do this. I'll be ok, me and my butterflies, we'll all be fine, together. The germans are nice, particulary one of them but it would be just waste of time. Because he's gonna leave. Just like all boys are. We'll remain just with the romanians. Not a big deal, we've got used to them. Same shit. But I'm excited, anxious and nervous.
I am so tired like I haven't sleep for weeks. I'll be missing you! Hope I'll make many beautiful photos to show you when I come back from this trip. Some of my butterflies will stay here, with you, some others will come with me. But I'll call you all and tell you all I'm doing over there. It's the way I'm gonna make my life more exciting than it is. I really needed this!

Take care and talk you later!

I'll try to walk on the sunny side of the street. And I'll bring you a piece of the sun!

miercuri, 3 iunie 2009


-eu vreau sa ma iubeasca cineva

-...da te iubeste

- si sa-l iubesc si eu pe el :-<